I just finished a referral contest and was lucky enough to gain LOTS of new fans! I will be having another Nap-Time Games on May 6 at 1 PM EST--I am skipping a couple of weeks due to the referral contest for one, and I am off to a Red Sox game on Friday of this week--YIPPEE!!! Kids off to mom's overnight and I get to have some real fun-time with my husband for the first time in WAY too long! We got in a good habit for a while of taking time for ourselves, but it is so easy to get caught up in everything with the kids that time for us has fallen by the way-side a little. We are working on changing that again! I whole-heartedly think that all parents need a little time to themselves too!
One new thing that I have been working on is iron-on appliques for shirts. I am trying to think of things to be able to offer all the little boys out there too! We will see if these are popular--I hope so because I think they are adorable! This is one of the tie patterns, but I have animals, butterflies, crowns, planes, rockets, hearts, and more!!
(Ummmm...I have NO idea why this is so big!! LOL---did I get your attention?)
Have a great last half of the week!
:) Harmony
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