Tuesday, May 24, 2011


What a long and crazy road this has been!!  I could not be happier to finally be able to say that my webpage and store are now open!  With all the new issues and guidelines with Facebook, it could not come at a more pefect time!
Check it out!  I would love to hear some opinions!
I have to admit that this was a really difficult thing for me to do and be a part of!  Thankfully I found someone great at http://www.scraplesscreations.com/ to help be through the process.  Lori was so patient and helpful to me, and I am sure there were times she did not want to see one more email from me!  I am the first to admit that while I consider myself very computer/internet savvy, I could not do anything with HTML code to save my life! 
Hopefully over the next few weeks I will be able to iron out any potential kinks there may be.  I can only assume that (as with anything new) there will be some growing pains, but I am hoping that my husband and myself can be up for the challenge to learning to take care of my new page. 
On the creative front I am hoping to start making some more new styles of tutus.  I am going to try out a petti tutu and knotted tutu over the next few weeks and see how they turn out!--I'll keep you all posted with pics!
Maybe sometime before the end of the month I will be able to get outside and enjoy the weather.  I am going a bit stir crazy between doing so much for Bobbles and the fact that it has rained at least a little bit for the last 8 days.  It's starting to get to me not seeing the sun for this long! 
Have a great week

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