Finally was able to hold my 300 fan giveaway on FB today. It's nice to be able to talk with new people and get lots of new fans--but what a lot of work! Hours and hours or prep and email--I guess I wasn't expecting it since I was new to the whole thing! I can't see myself doing it again for a little while, but who knows? Maybe I'll have a great site that everyone wants to see and I can quit my job and work entirely from home--pardon me daydreaming again!!
Got to finish a Tutu I was working on. I know everyone seems to make their own lately, but I really enjoy it and am going to keep making them--just because I like doing it! This is called "Punked-Ladybug". My 8 mo old daughter inspires most of the things I make. She was a ladybug for Halloween so I had it in my head since then!
Have a great weekend!
These tutus are just so cute!